
Graham County



Isador Elkan Solomon (Formerly Esadore Elkan)

Transcribed by Jean Walker, July 2024. Who's Who in Arizona, Vol 1 by Jo Connors, 1913. Pages 758-759.

I. E. Solomon, prominent for many years in the business life of Arizona, was born in Germany in 1844, and in that country was educated and learned the mercantile business. When but sixteen years of age, in company with his eldest sister, he landed in New York, and from there proceeded to Bradford county, Pennsylvania, where he secured employment with his uncle for several years. He then engaged in livery, staging, etc., on his own account in Towanda, in which he continued until 1876.

He next went to New Mexico, intending to make that his future home, but seeing greater possibilities in Arizona future, in the summer of the same year he settled on the site of the present town of Solomonville and located forty acres. The vicinity then boasted of but half a dozen white families but Mr. Solomon opened a store, which, for a few years was necessarily conducted in rather a crude way, but which gradually improved with conditions, and was doing a flourishing business in course of time.

About 1878 the town of Solomonville was named in honor of Mr. Solomon, to whom is largely due the credit of forming the settlement and building up the town. In 1880 the post office was established, he was appointed postmaster, and for sixteen consecutive years held that position. Governor Fremont appointed him Treasurer of Graham County for one term, and so general was the satisfaction that was felt at the conduct of his office that before the expiration of the term he was elected to the position and served in all four years.

Mr. Solomon was also engaged in sheep raising on a large scale, and during his early years in the Territory, being near the Apache Reservation, had some thrilling experiences with Indians. On one occasion a number of the sheep herders in his employ were murdered by Indians, one man having been tied to a tree and stoned to death, the remaining ones shot, and about five hundred sheep killed. He has also had some startling experiences in traveling, when attacked by Indians and road agents, but has always been especially fortunate.

Mr. Solomon has ever been active, industrious and progressive, and has large holdings of land in addition to his mercantile interests in various corporations and his interests in banking institutions in different sections. No man who has ever lived in Arizona has done more for the general good and development of the State, and especially for his own country, than I. E. Solomon. In politics he is Republican, but has never sought office. On the contrary, he has resolutely declined some very flattering propositions by the leaders of the party in Graham County.

In 1872 Mr. Solomon returned to Germany and there was married to Miss Anna Freudenthal. Their oldest son, Charles Solomon, is President of the Arizona National Bank, Tucson, and one of the leading financiers and business men of the State, while Mr. I. E. Solomon is a member of the Board of Directors of this institution.

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