This site is a part of the AZGenWeb Project which is all a part of the USGenWeb Project. The sole purpose of the USGenWeb project is to provide as much free access to on-line genealogy related information as possible. If you have any information that would help others in their research, please consider donating it to the USGenWeb project. This web is not in any way affiliated with Graham County government.
I am Jean Walker, Webmistress and Coordinator for Graham County, AZGenWeb. I hope you enjoy your visit. Please email me if you have any suggestions or contributions you would like to make.
Graham County was created from southern Apache County and eastern Pima County on March 10, 1881. Initially, the county seat was located in the city of Safford but was later moved to Solomonville in 1883. This change was undone in 1915, returning the county seat to Safford. Graham County is named after the mountain by the same name which was named after Lt. Col James Duncan Graham. The county is 4,641 square miles and in 2022 it had a population 38,500. Graham County contains part of the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation, yet it was the first Arizona county to break the tradition of naming counties for Native Americans. Read more about Graham County here.
Make sure you check the Research Resources section! It provides a variety of sources to help you in your search.
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I am bound to them though I cannot look into their eyes or hear their voices. I honor their history. I cherish their lives. I will tell their story. I will remember them for I am the result of the very love, struggle, sacrifice and journey of thousands."
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email: Jean Walker
Coordinator - Jean Walker
State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola
Asst. State Coordinators: Shannon Lanning and M. D. Monk
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator.