
Graham County



1912-1913 Polk Directory - Safford

SAFFORD. Pop 2,000. Graham county on the A. E. R. R. 5 miles nw of Solomonville the county seat. It is located in the center of the Gila Valley and is cricled by rich copper mines and surrounded by an immense cattle country. Has Methodist and Latter Day Saints churches, 2 banks, 2 hotels, a theatre, flour and planing mills and electric gas and water plants. A weekly nespaper the Graham Guardian is published. Exn W F & Co. Tel W U. Fride F Mashbir P M. (page 420)

Andrus Geo S., real est.

Bank of Safford (capitoal $33,000). D W Wickerham, pres; E. W. Clayton, cashr.

Belt Jno G, dentist.

Bingham & Son (Jos and Jos Jr), expmen.

Boggs Frank, blksmith.

Branch Edw, drugs.

Brenner M. E. dentis

BRIER's HALL, WEAVER BRIER Propr, Theatre (See p 447.)


Broshers & Owen (L J Broshers, W. J. Owen), meats

BROWN JOHN F. MNGR SAFFORD Grocery Co. (See adv.)

Brown, Paul, dry goods.

Campbell Isaac F, flour mill.

Campbell Roman, gen store.

Carroll Patrick, shoemkr.

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CHESSER HOUSE, MRS L. A. CHESser Propr, Furnished Rooms. (See adv.)

CHESSER MRS L A. PROPR CHESser House (See adv.)

Chesser & Barney (Walter B. Chesser, Geo Barney), tailors.

Chiricahua Cattle Co.


Dallas Wm H, transfer.


Douthitt A H, vet surgeon.

Downen Geo T, pool.

Due Le, restaurant.

ESTEP WM R. GENERAL CONtractor. (See adv.)

FAMOUS STORE THE, ELI KRUPP Propr. Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Clothing, Trunks, Valises, Etc. (See p 450)

Farmer Urias L. barber.


Foote Saml, barber.

FOSTER BERRY F. PROPR WHITE Palace Livery, Feed & Sale Stable and Dealer in Real Estate. (See p 447.)

GILA VALLEY BAKERY, CHARLES P Schroeder Propr. (See p 450.)

Gila Valley Bank & Trust Co (capital $100,000). C E Mills, pres; H S Van Gorder, cashr.

GILA VALLEY BOTTLING WORKS, G E Oliver & Co Proprs. (See adv.)

Gila Valley Electric, Gas & Water Co, S S Campbell, pres; A G Smith, treas.

Gila Valley Fair Assn, Jno J. Birdno, pres; Luther Green (Thatcher), sec.

Gila Valley Furniture & Hardware Store (M E O'Bryan, Geo A and Grace S Todd).

GILA VALLEY MILLING CO. F L Ginter Mngr, Flour Mills. (See p 446.)

Gila Valley Produce Assn, P C Merrill, pres; A G Smith, sec; Bank at Safford, treas.

Gilpn Chas F, popr Safford Theatre.

GINTER F L, MNGR GILA VALLEY Milling Co. (See p 446.)

GRAHAM GUARDIAN THE, GUARdian Publishing Co Pubs. (See p 447)

GUARDIAN PUBLISHING CO, JOHN J Birdno Mngr, Pubs The Graham Guardian. (See p 447.)

HABY LINUS G. MACHINIST AND Electrical Engineer. (See p 446.)

Haralson Jno A. plumber.

HIGGINS SAMUEL N. GENERAL Contractor, Carpentry, Brick Work, Cement Construction, etc. (See adv.)

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Hill Henry R. harness.

HOTEL OLIVE, MRS CHAS W MORris Propr. (See p 446.)

Houck & Son (Hamilton and Guy F Houck), grocers.

Jacobson Geo P. gen store.

Jacobson Peter J. gen store

Jones Hotel, Mrs. A V Jones propr.

Kirtland Wm, blacksmith

KRUEGER CHARLES, CHIEF SAFford Fire Department and Shoemaker.

KRUPP ELI, PROPR THE FAmous Store. (See adv.)

McAlexander Saml R, grocer.

Mashbir E S, lawyer.

MORRIS MRS CHAS W. PROPR HOtel Olvie. (See p 446.)

Morris Theo D, blksmith.

OLIVER G E & CO (GEO E OLIVER, D Tom Hooks), Proprs Gila Valley Bottling Works. (See p 448.)

OLNEY HARDWARE CO, RUTH W Andersan, Pres; Chas F. Solomon, Vice Pres; J M Wilson, Sec, Treas and Mnger; Hay and Grain. (See adv.)

Olney-Ijams Furniture Co (Geo Olney, Wilbur Ijams).

Owens J T. gen store.

PALACE POOL HALL, TOM WANSless Propr. (See adv.)

PALMS THE, JOHN F WEBER, Propr. (See p 451.)

PARTRIDGE ARCHIBALD G 9PARtride Bros). (See p 448.)

PARTRIDGE BROS (SCOTT F AND Archibold G), Dealers in Marble and Granite Monuments. (See p 448.)

PARTRIDGE SCOTT F (PARtridge Bros). See p 448.)

Pearson Chas P. conf.

Peel Robt. grocer.

Phillips Jos A. agt A E R R.

Platt Benj. blksmith.

Platt Wm E. lumber

Reynolds Chas T. gen store.

Robertson W D, pool hall

Rogge Henry F. plumber.

SAFFORD BOTTLING WORKS (Ulysses I and Samuel J Paxton).

SAFFORD GROCERY CO. JOHN F Brown Mngr. (See p 445.)

Safford Ice & Cremery Co. Z C Prina gen mnger.

Safford Livery & Auto Co (C Madsen, Geo Elledge).

SAFFORD MARBLE WORKS, PARtridge Bros Proprs, Dealters in Marble and Granite Monuments (See p 448.)

Safford Theatre, Chas F Gilpin propr.

San Juan MIning Co. Jno F Weber mngr.

SCHROEDER CHARLES P. PROPR Gila Valley Bakery. (See adv.)

Simon Morris, dry goods.

SMITH'S NURSERY, R A SMITH & Sons Proprs. (See adv.)

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SMITH R A & SON (ROBERT A and Bryan), Proprs Smith's Nursery, Fruit Trees, Nurserymen and See Growers. (See adv.)

Smithville Extension Canal Co, H J Anderson Mngr.

SOLOMON-WICKERSHAM CO, D W Wickersham, Pres; Jennie Solomon, Vice-Pres; Chas F Solomon, Sec and Treas; Whol Grocers.

Stephens & Ralphs (Chas E Stephens, Edwin S Ralphs), painters.

Stratton Jno N, phys.

STRATTON & LYNCH (LEE N Stratton, A R Lynch), Lawyers. (See adv.)

Taylor & Williamson (Geo Taylor, Isaac Williamson). meats.

THE PALMS, JOHN F. WEBER Propr. (See adv.)

Thompson Dusinus, jewelry.

Thorpe Jas o. restaurant

THORPE WM V, REAL ESTATE and Insurance (See adv.)

Thorstensen Fred M. blksmith.


Warner H J. drugs

WEBER JOHN F. PROPR THE Palms, Confectionary, Music and Musical Mdse. (See adv.)

Welker Arthur E. barber.

Welker Jas R. dry goods.

Western Union Telegraph Co, Mildred Brunkhorst local mngr.

WHITE PLACE LIVERY, FEED and Sale Stable, Berry F. Foster Propr. (See p 447.)


Young & Ridgway (Geo R Young, David L. Ridgway), gen store.

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